Wow! Within 1 week mostly Minh and I had used around 1 GB of my memory card. Well, in brief, Bong, Huei Ling, Thomas and I went for a Tastypot Steamboat dinner @ Wednesday night. Most of you had seen the photos in Facebook, but here I'll add some cocktails with some yesterday photos.
(Sorry for the confusion done on the last post, I was very confused and lost that I used sociology terms to describe this world we live in here. But, nevertheless, these are real facts, the ugly truth).
And to those who commented on the Tastypot album in Facebook, I'm very very sorry coz you're not informed with the dinner. Thomas, Huei Ling, wanna go Tastypot again with these people who were not in the fun? They stayed near us too :)









A few Pictures :) mainly from Thursday's CRR and pool session with Bong. Gosh! Minh's photos are kinda unsuitable here (u know what we mean, lol)




The pool match after CRR. Bong won over me 5-1 again.



Last but not least, I dedicate this next photo to the model herself. :)

Okay, that's all for today :) Sorry if Part 2's photos are a bit. My laptop's kinda laggy. Next post: Polarising filters! xD
Definition of "Institution":
an established custom, law, or relationship in a society or community
- The Free Dictionary
You got to understand that this world has a series of institutions that affect our behaviours and attitudes in our daily lives. We have the monetary, law, religious, education, family and even business institutions around us.
As we are now walking into the more shallow adult world, we begin to get influenced into some new institutions. This is such a confusing transition.
Like it or not, our lives are going to be complicating. Good, does not necessarily be good, as it could be wrong. People will be either support or deceive you for your welfare, or their own profits.
At the end of the day, it's all about individualism and the monetary institution. I'm seeing nothing but a freaking sick society. We no longer make new friends randomly like what we did in high school/ childhood days. We make friends for our own purpose/ self-interests.
Like it or not, if you can't beat it, join it.
You can't say that life is complicated. It's complicating because we are controlled by our own environment. Most of us are below the human pyramid, the people above are just staring at our agonies.
In real life, you will not be pampered.
- Miss Natasha, in her speech during the orientation.
Well, if you guys are bewildered with the facts of freedom on my previous post, do be relaxed with this new post. Sorry if it makes you think too much :) I too prefer life to be simple. Like it or not, we're under a system that only benefits the people above the hierarchical pyramid.
You can read the previous post if you want :) and reflect on yourself that question...
Anyway, here are some assorted group photos of today :)


Yeah, with Mr. Winston at the back. xD

It's written "Don't Kiss My Fit Body." xD haha, Minh...
Signing off! Have a nice day.
Enough about pictures okay? I'll promise you my sharing about polarising filters :)
And, please open your rhetoric mindset for this issue. I type this out because I believe it is worth for everyone to digest.
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance"
- Albert Einstein.
TCPJ, 1100 hours - My lecturer asked us an interesting question regarding freedom during the break while teaching us the ethics and laws of journalism. Well, journalists are bounded on their freedom of expression, where they have to compromise their roles and duty to the public while serving the people above.
He asked us, "What is freedom? How can we be free?"
I believe this is one of the questions where people like us always ask upon ourselves besides of religion and philosophy.
Malaysia was declared independent in August 31, 1957, and yet people are still being engaged in labour pains. After the Independence, we can still see the people doing their own business. The adults still continue their work as teachers, engineers, etc, while the younger people went to college or schools for education.
Everyday, as you get up early in the morning, you begin to get bounded with your routines and stuffs, and thus, you submerge yourselves into it. You worry of your assignments, your tasks, your meetings, your projects and so on.
And the cycle of our jobs continue day by day, this applies for us, regardless students, employees and employers.
Do you know why are we doing all of these everyday? Do you still have an idea what is freedom?
In our younger days, we go to schools and colleges to study for the sake of getting a job. Upon graduation, we find a job and there, we begin to feel stressed as if everyday is your last day being employed.
And at the end of the day, aren't these struggles and pressures are all about money $$? Because we are living under scarcity, and also having the fear of scarcity, we lost our freedom.
To the POJ students, I also write this post to clarify what I said this morning, as I tend to express myself better in writing, instead of speech.
My ideas were based on Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist: Addendum, the 2nd movie for the Zeitgeist Movement that exposes social corruption and the flaws of the fractional based monetary system.
(Editor's Note: I'm not a member of the Zeitgeist Movement, as I disagreed with Joseph's viewpoint on religion. Check out Zeitgeist: Debunked on
Well, first of all, I can see that the world is all looking at material aspects. And this is the scarcity that I'm talking about. We need more money in order to survive and to get what we want at the same time. But nowadays, prices are skyrocketing with some dramatical economical changes, with some seasonal financial crisis that continue to worsen the situation. I even hear that you need more than $1 million Ringgit just to retire. As the prices rise and at the same time, currencies like the American Dollar are devaluating, so as the living costs. Would you cope with the increasing scarcity you would face?
Now, take a look at the role of money. Our textbooks said that money is an instrument of exchange in trading. But, now, look at money this way. Governments ordered their money via the FIAT system, where they actually owe the central banks with an additional sum of interest being charged by the banks themselves. If you don't believe me, take a look at this chart.
The value of Dollar decreases as the circulation of the money increases. This causes increasing debts. Well, the governments are unable to pay back the money because of the interest rate charged. So, how can society be debt free? Of course it can't. So, money is an instrument of DEBT.
And everyone of us have to pay the debt. We have to force ourselves to work in order to feed and house ourselves, all the time. But then, as we continue this routine, the circulation increases, and more debts there are in the society. This only benefits the people on top of the human organizational pyramid, the rich ruling elite.
And because of this, we lost our freedom. We fear that we will not have income, and at the same time, we will lost our standard of living.
How about governments? They too have the lack of freedom, but they control us. If there is a government, there will be complaints, there will be taxes to pay, and oh yeah, legitimate rules to be abide, so that everyone plays fair. But, we can see corruption everywhere. Just because there are rules doesn't mean there are 100% enforcement on them. We then heard of internet censorship and government media ownership. Will there be any freedom of speech and expression in the future?
A fellow coursemate argued that it is still necessary to have money and government. But, if you imagine a world without money, will you think of a world without conflicts and unnecessary problems? The love and greed for money is the root of all evil. You take a look at kidnappings, murder, prostitution, and even war, they're all profit motivated.
True freedom cannot be achieved with money and governments. Money just corrupt us and put us into endless scarcities, while promoting the sense of individualism within us, as everyone of us just focus on our self-interests, and not social concern, while the governments limit us with taxes and rules so that everyone could play it fair. Also, no matter how much political parties are there in support of a nation's people, the decision of the winning party would not satisfy everyone.
Well, the Zeitgeist ideology was a new proposal for the next direction of human sociology. It is supporting the Venus Project, a new civilization idea beyond politics and money. We do not know either this would be the another future's New World Order, but this proposal ensures everybody to live in an equal standard of living.
How about you? Would you like to share your ideas on how to achieve freedom?
It's not really an escapade lah. To me, it's just a Friday trip for a local overseas student (Yes, I'm from Borneo Island!) to go around the capital of Malaysia with his group of coursemates. And overall, we passed through KLCC, Pavilion, Lot 10, Lowyat, and Times Square.

Taylor's Leisure Commercial Square campus, how would ya like that? :)
Woke up at 10.30 am that day and here, I bathed and changed my clothes straightaway to college for a fine dining. 4 of us went together for the dine :)
Guess who is my dining partner?

Stivi! But too bad this picture had some high exposure :(

The other 2 who were also fine dining with us. Jerrica and Bong.

Me enjoying the water :)
The dishes of the day were lamb meat and custard bun. I would say that the food was delicious. :)
Meanwhile, outside the hospitality restaurant, there was an event going on.

And I saw many people joining the audition for the 8TV channel. Well, the participants have to cooperate with his/her partner to "act" as real VJs in front of the camera on the platform at the left of the picture. And at the same time, I bumped into 2 of my coursemates who joined in the fun.

Careen Tan and JJ. Not really sure how well they did, but both of them looked awesome that day.
After the fine dining, Bong, Jerrica and I went to the KTM and later on, the LRT to KLCC. Well, it took us almost an hour to reach there. But nevermind, the photography session was worth the wait, just that it sucks when it rained during the Petronas Twin Towers shootings.
Wanna see the outcomes?

Jerrica! xD




See? The weather gave a wrong timing.
Anyway, I like this picture.

Captured this when Bong, Jerrica and I went back into the shopping mall. While running, I saw these 2 adorable girls picking up leaves. Strange, why they do that?
As we went in, we met the other group! We then walked around the mall, while I was finding my circular polarising filter.

From left, clockwise:
Jerrica, Miki, Huei Ling, Bong, Thomas, Minh and his Signature dish.

From left:
Jerrica, Miki, Huei Ling and Thomas.

Taken by Minh. A display set of Canon EOS units. The front one being the Canon EOS 500D.
Speaking of the Canon DSLR cameras, There was a good promotion in that shop - You just need to pay RM 3700 for a Canon EOS 450D + 50-250mm IS lens + 1-3 years warranty.

And here, I bought the circular polarising filter. RM 120. There are more expensive and better ones. But I tend to save.
The group split, with Miki, Huei Ling, Minh and Thomas remaining in KLCC, while Bong, Jerrica and I headed to Bkt. Bintang. We went through....


with some camwhores :)

Lowyat, and speaking about games, I'm currently waiting for Left 4 Dead 2 and CoD: Modern Warfare 2. I even saw a RM 1999 Canon EOS 1000D. Just my first time here. Nice place :)
and last but not least.



We went back at 10pm, feeling tired that day. I hope we can do that again for another time. :)
Sorry for not updating!
Thank God this academic week is officially over. In fact, we'd been through a lot of hell. We'd managed to hand up our EC and POJ assignment within Monday and Tuesday respectively, and fighting around the clock against CRR and PR1 on the following 2 days. Of course, some of us didn't manage to submit in time. At least we'd done our friggin' works.
That Tuesday night was the most stressful day of the week. Guess what? I bet 75% of us stayed overnight just to finish our PR1 assignment. Thank God I got some companions that night. I'd stayed with Bong, Thomas, Huei Ling, Pao and Diane to complete the report.
And because of that interim report, I'd lost 2 kgs! Bong's place got a weighting meter and I'd tried it @ Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, just after I'd submitted the report to AssignIT. From 74 kgs to 72 kgs, lolx!!!!
That midnight, I was even asked to be the photographer of one of Bong's housemates' birthday celebration during the report fiasco. I'm quite impressed with my flash skills :)


Bong's housemates are all friendly people, and all of them are Sabahans too! Looks like I got more friends to speak Hakka with! xD
The following day, Thursday, then became the happiest day of this week, as I got another Distinction in CRR. I don't feel disappointed, nor satisfied with the results. I just want to end this 1st semester with P.R.I.D.E, so that I can have more confidence for my 2nd semester.
Some assorted portraits and group photos taken this week (mostly after the PR1 fiasco):
P.S - Minh, I know these are casual pictures, but they are TOO casual to be modified into commercial-looking ones =.= and your AUTOFOCUS lahhh...some faces are blur, lol....but nvm.

Bong, with some flash effect. Actually, I lowered the exposure to compensate with the sunlight from the window of the library. Then, for post production, I added a lil' bit of soft light linear gradient on the right. Sorry if it's noisy for you viewers. That happened during Monday evening after their group's PR discussion.

Sunset scenery from my balcony at 7pm, signifying the embarking of the night of endurance in Tuesday. That sleepless night did challenged my physical and mental strength a LOT.

My usual group of friends + Minh (the photographer) and Jennifer who left the library. Taken during the fun Wednesday CRR meeting in the library

Stivi :) as photographed by Minh with his signature portrait style.

Laili, pixelated with another Minh signature. I just realised that she's really as photogenic as Stivi

Thursday noon, with another group of my companions in Group 2.
From left: Minh, Connie, Mindy, Me, Huei Ling, Qer Xin, Bong, Yih Chien, Jerrica.
Photographer: Thomas Sing
Stay tuned for PART 2: The Journey Around KL.